Our Capital Campaign
Capital Stewardship Campaign Tips
What a Capital Stewardship Program Is and Is Not
A capital campaign program is a spiritual work, not a financial one.
A campaign is about understanding there is a Kingdom need and a Kingdom provision to meet that need. It’s about developing an understanding of Godʹs perfect plan of providence to meet the need
through the proper stewardship of His people.
A capital campaign is:
• A program wherein God’s people come together in equalsacrifice to provide funds for building.
• A time of spiritual growth and faith building that stirs the heart and spirit.
• A Biblical process that results in a
3‐year giving commitment,
normally raising between 1 and 3 times current annual giving in tithes and offerings.
A capital campaign is not about high pressure tactics, brow beating, trickery, guilt, or heavy handed tactics to “fleece the sheep” of their money. It is a time of learning, spiritual growth, and prayerful
consideration of how God would have each one respond to the need.
Goals of a Capital Stewardship Campaign
The overall goals of a capital campaign are to communicate information, impart excitement, and provide for spiritual needs through clear preaching, teaching and prayer. The primary goal
should never be considered as that of just raising money; money is a by‐product of doing everything else well.
It might be said that the goal of the campaign is to develop wisdom in the body. The scriptures say we are to pursue knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Wisdom is the proper application of
Biblical understanding. Through teaching and preaching, knowledge and understanding are gained, and through prayer is gained the wisdom to know how God would have us apply this knowledge and understanding.
Organizing Your Capital Campaign Team
A capital campaign is a complex operation that requires months to properly prepare and then execute. The capital campaign executive team needs to be properly staffed by the right directors, and provided clear objectives with job descriptions. Note that those people may not be who you think.
Generally speaking your campaign team should not be made up of financial people such as CPAʹs, bankers, treasures, etc.
A capital campaign team should be organized into sub‐teams with discreet areas of responsibility, with each sub‐team being headed by a director who sits on the executive campaign team. Each of these directors should have experience and gifting according to their particular responsibility. Each
director then recruits people to serve with them.
Timing Your Capital Campaign
There are three primary timing considerations for a capital campaign: how early you should begin
a stewardship campaign before building, the best time(s) of the year to execute a campaign, and the amount of time required to properly prepare for a capital campaign.
Churches often wait until they are ready to start building before they begin a capital campaign, or they wait until they find they cannot qualify for a loan before belatedly starting a campaign. Ideally,
a church should start a campaign at least a year before they are going to approach the bank and/or begin construction.
Churches often don’t understand how long it takes to properly prepare for and execute a capital campaign.
A proper capital campaign is a complex series of events that cannot be rushed. Organizing, equipping
and preparing for a campaign can easily take 3 months or more. If you wish to be in front of the congregation to raise money in the spring, preparation should begin the previous fall, and likewise
a fall campaign should really begin in the spring.
Key Verses For A Capital Campaign
The Biblical basis of capital campaigns (as in special offerings) for building programs can be found in:
• Moses building the tent of the tabernacle in Exodus, chapters 25, 35, & 36.
• David preparing to build the temple in 1 Chronicles 29:2‐9.
• The rebuilding of the temple and Jerusalem’s walls in Ezra, Nehemiah & Haggai.
One of the key verses for a capital campaign is found within one of the best discourses on giving and money which span chapters 8 & 9 of 2 Corinthians. “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work” ( 2 Cor 9:8).
You are expecting your people to step out in faith according to how they believe God is leading them, and this faith can only be found in the scriptures, “for faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17).
Top Mistakes Churches Make In Capital Stewardship
It is said a wise man learns from his mistakes, but perhaps a truly wise man learns from the mistakes of others. To that end, in order to help you be wise, and help your church avoid the common pitfalls encountered in capital campaigns, here are the top mistakes churches make in capital stewardship
programs. These are not in any particular order, as the seriousness of each of these common mistakes will vary from church to church, and situation to situation.
• Failure to get professional assistance. Doing it on your own will typically result in giving that is only ½ or ⅓ what it would have been in a professionally facilitated campaign.
• Waiting until the church is ready to build to start a campaign. By starting the campaign 1, 2, or even 3 years before building, you will have more money at the beginning of your program, you may need to borrow less, or you may qualify for a larger loan.
• Focusing on the building as a goal instead of increased ministry. Its not about the building, it’s about ministry. People will be encouraged to give by a new building, but sacrificial giving comes from meeting ministry needs.
• Not realizing the positive impact a campaign can have on lending ability. Many lenders require a capital campaign in order to qualify your church for a loan.
• Not preaching and teaching in a clear, challenging, uncompromising, and unapologetic manner on what the scriptures say about giving. This should be self‐explanatory, but just in case, read Malachi 1.
© 2009 AMI Church Consulting Distribution is encouraged as long as it is in the original unmodified form.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Thursday, June 9, 2016
His Life Ministries is a TEAM -LED Group!
We have a Council.
They all come from our Senior Pastor's SMALL GROUP.
Together with their Spouses they pray and seek God's direction for the church and the movement.
Evangelism, Discipleship and Leadership is their thrust, compliant with the set standards of Righteousness [Accounting; Legalities; Etc] based on the Word of God, the Bible.
They are given the mandate from God's Word to be the Final Decision Making Body at His Life Ministries concerning all church affairs.
UNANIMOUS Decisions is the GOAL!
Meaning: If we are not TOTALLY UNITED over a matter, we put it aside for more prayer and discussion till the right time and season it has to be addressed again.
We are totally rallying around the Vision Making Disciples for the Glory of God, thus: Glorify God, Make Disciples.
We may meet as REGULAR as we can -- once a month or once a Quarter.
Raising 2000 Life Group Leaders this 2016-2017
Monday, June 6, 2016
BE FILLED 2016-2017
Biennial 2016-2017 reaches her 6th month already [as of this writing].
We have 18 more months to GO!
LET ME REVIEW our GOALS for this BIENNIAL 2016-2017:
These are more than written GOALS
- this is Faith Expression
- this is Dream for Kingdom Advancing while being FILLED with the Spirit
- this is with an Eternal Perspective
- this is loving and transforming our NATION
- this is making Disciples and glorifying God!
will be 20,000 people
[THIS INCLUDES Campus, Community, Celebration CHURCHES and CORNERS]
#3 GOAL COUNT: That we will have a NSEW City-Wide Strategy of Harvest and Discipleship
in these following CITIES of THE PHILIPPINES:
Manila [LUZON]
*NOTE: Bacolod has already fulfilled the NSEW spread.
MIND-SETTING [mind-set of BATTLESHIP vs CruiseShip*]
1 -- We reach the 2000 count for LIFEGROUP LEADERS
when all our NETWORKS train and train and graduate people to be LIFEGROUP LEADERS serving in KM, WOD, UNWIND, YX. Let there be a TRAINORS REVOLUTION through our LTS in each locality.
2 -- We reach the 20,000 Total Accumulated Attendance
when we give birth to NEW churches via our MISSION LAUNCH PROGRAM.
We must LAUNCH churches every QUARTER.
If each SITE, CORNER, GROUP just starts 1, we may then reach the total accumulative attendance of 20,000 people.
#3 -- We will see manifest the NSEW in
Cagayan and even BEYOND ASIA,
when we deliberately SURVEY, STUDY COMMUNITIES, and literally START GROUPS within the next 90 DAYS!
ONLY BELIEVE JESUS COMMAND to spread, to go and be A SENT ONE!
*cruise-ship | battleship MIND-SET
cruise-ship | Battleship
1 It is all about the passengers (hassle-free) | All about the mission of the nation (victory)
2 Pay for a temporary ride (people on vacation) | Don’t pay for the ride (all people serve)
3 Brings temporary happiness to the flesh | Brings joy after accomplishing the mission
4 Music and dance for the passengers | Horn for battle (worship is warfare)
5 Captain and crew liked/disliked by passengers | Captain submits to a higher authority
6 Service may be good or bad | Sacrifices are made to support the mission
7 Is there to meet the needs of the passengers | The ship & crew are equipped for warfare
8 Ride has to be pleasant for the travelers | Life is on the line … (dangerous situations)
9 It is all about getting comfortable and complacent | Uncomfortable bunks with regular battles
10 Just there for the ride and the crew to serve them | Able to equip, serve and deploy their talents
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