Tuesday, April 9, 2024

PAS-CAR Project

for Pastor's MOBILITY!!!


Can you imagine if our Pastors and Teachers, Missionaries and Evangelists can GO FARTHER and FURTHER?


our "Pas-Car" Initiative (PAS-CAR Project).

and even any form of MOBILITY (even transportation allowances) for the GOSPEL to be DELIVERED to as Many as We Can...

HalleluYah 🔥

I Thank You LORD FOR

We must let all our Pastors be MOBILE to cover more Surveys, Visits, Start UPS, MINISTRY and Disciple-Making and Leadership Development to the world around them.

Like John Wesley the REVIVALIST, all within his team members must have a HORSE for Itinerant Revival Preaching to Hundreds everyday!!

No Horse = NO Membership in his Holy Club!

*horse is their vehicle during that time

Due to this emphasis, 
The Holy Club Intinerant Preachers of
JOHN WESLEY covered Thousands of Hectares of land in PREACHNG REVIVALS (this without 🎤 microphones or even sound systems).





He was NOT "horsing around" 
(that is to FOOL around), BUT rather doing ITINERANT HARVEST of SOULS =====

Did you KNOW THAT? 
For the last 50 YEARS of his life John Wesley, by bald, statistical count of sermons, preached an average of fifteen times every week!!!

To an average of 5,000 people to 12,000 people in JUST EVERY SEATTING and STANDING EVENT!!! 

Learn more about the PASSION of John Wesley. 


As we have Communion TIME (at HLM SITES) .... During the LORD’S SUPPER....
I USUALLY CALL people to GIVE TO a FREEWILL COIN / CASH GIVING (not Tithes and Offerings) for SPECIAL NEEDS (to inter connect our congregations and workers) ....
ONE PLASTIC ENVELOPE will be provided at the ALTAR for this.

HalleluYah 🔥


Let's pray for START UP Funds ....
the rest will be in God's Hands 🏍🚗🚌

Wednesday, April 3, 2024



VOLUNTEERS classifications.

We have these CLASSIFICATIONS of Being a Volunteer at HLM:


1 Volunteer as ON CALL


2 Volunteer as PART TIME


3 Volunteer as FULL TIME


(all of the above is NOT a paid function)

We are praying that ALL at HIS LIFE MINISTRIES will VOLUNTEER and be truly SERVANTS MINISTERS of the LORD Jesus Christ as BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS!

This is an ORGANIC

(natural led by the Spirit GOAL)


AND we are envisioning that more than 50 percent of the people in all and in each HLM CONGREGATION/s and NETWORK/s become a servant of the LORD JESUS in an "organized" capacity.


WHILE we have VOLUNTEERS, on the other hand, we have “WORKERS” at HLM who are supported via allowances and stipends.



· One person can make a difference!

· One couple can make a difference!

· One LifeGroup can make a lot of impact!

· One Congregation can have a VOICE in their AREA!


LET'S honor the LORD Jesus Christ this YEAR by EXPANDING the ministry JESUS gave us in the Philippines, Asia and BEYOND.





Tremendous potential!

Tremendous strength!

Tremendous responsibility!

Tremendous harvest of multitudes in the waiting.

We now have what it takes due to the grace of God,

We now have what it takes due to experience, journey and submission to God's desire and will.


YOU can make a difference!

I invite you to Pray and Seek the face of the LORD regarding this opportunity

to serve HIM and our Church here at His Life Ministries-PHILIPPINES these years after THE GLOBAL PANDEMIC!


Get excited from the heart!

Heed this call that is worth giving our energy,

time, effort and talents, Making Disciples

is the GREAT COMMISSION Jesus left for us

to do. We take this seriously and with great expectations!




I believe that as we make ourselves "busy" in the things of the LORD, He will grant a supernatural turbo rest in the middle of this all.

God will provide you all your needs. God will take care of your family.


God will take care of the rest as you take care of His Best.



Things we believe concerning MINISTRY and SERVANTHOOD

at His Life Ministries:



We believe that a church should operate as a unified community of servants with men and women, young and old in their Holy Spirit given gifts.


(see the following passages of Scripture: Romans 12. Ephesians 4 and Psalm 133:1)




· Ushering     Welcoming     Marshalling     Greeting

· Preaching on Weekends     Lead Home Bible Studies


· Speaker and Minister during CROSSOVER WEEKENDS

· Coordinator of EVENTS     Mobilizers

· Fund Raisers     Vision Partnering with a WORKER in the Ministry

· Singing     Dancing     Acting     Trainer / Coach

· Playing an Instrument

· Driving a Vehicle

· Serving at Prosperity Café

· Visitations    

· Community or Campus Missionary

· Medical MISSIONS

· Designing

· VIDEO editing      Virtual Assist

· Children's Work     Crafts Making

· MINISTRY to POOR     Pabahay    

· Building Facilities

· AND 1 MILLION MORE opportunities to SERVE!



We believe that the pursuit of full devotion to Christ and to Advance His Kingdom cause is normal for every believer.

Stewardship, servanthood, and sacrificial giving of time, money and effort to make this come to pass.


(see the following passages of Scripture: 1 Kings 11:4, Philippians 2:1-11, 2 Corinthians 8:7)



I commit to be an Excellent Volunteer as,


Your NAME ______________________________________


(ROLE) ___________________________________________


[YOUR SITE) _____________________________________


for [ ] 3 months

[ ] 6 months

[ ] entire YEAR 20________




ANSWER below

[for Ministry Leaders ONLY and Ministry Proposals]




What is your MINISTRY/ies PURPOSE Statement?


Why will you start this kind of a ministry work or project?


How will it grow our church?


How will it contribute to build our Life Groups?







SYSTEMS Enhancements

such as communications, reporting, job responsibilities, volunteerism and allowances scale among our workers at HLM will be done.


FACILITY Enhancements

such as basic repairs and repainting will be done at HLM OFFICES and SPACES.


CALENDARING Enhancements

of Celebrations, Projects, Missions Endeavors and Expansions, Training and Weekly Emphases and Scheduling among many other things will be reviewed with Focus.


DEEP BENCH -- The Secrets

Tour of DUTY
Why DeepBench?
What it Can Create as Culture?
DEEPBENCH — secret of the ____ Man
HIS LIFE MINISTRIES is now using the
line / idea:  DEEPBENCH for the next Two YEARS!
2024 and 2025 are DEEPBENCH emphasis YEARS. 
Yet I believe we will use this word longer --- years up ahead, together with Habakkuk 2:14, where "as the waters cover the sea" -- the knowledge of the LORD will abound in our ministry endeavors.
This article is taken from the bestseller "Generations" Book.
Under Vol. 1, Chapter 8: Mindset Shift # 2 
GenerationS – Reinforcements Not Replacements
If you whisper the word GenerationS with a strong emphasis on the ‘S’ to any leader in our church, their eyes will immediately light up with respect for you. 
Let me tell you a secret. In our church, there is another buzzword: Deep Bench. 
If you also throw in the word Deep Bench in your whisper, that could earn you a standing ovation.
Deep Bench is a sports term. 
It means that when one team is playing on the court, there are many substitutes sitting on the bench. 
· They can be called on to play anytime.
· They are not inferior players.
· They are equally skilled! 
So the standard does not drop when the crew from the deep bench is called upon. 
In NBA basketball lore, the Golden State Warriors won championships because of the starting players on court and its quality deep bench of players such as Andre Iguodala. 
He was called the Sixth Man.
When you have a sixth man, it usually means that your team has incredible depth because the sixth man is usually so talented that he can easily be the starter for most other teams!
In HOGC, we believe in the Deep Bench. 
We believe in having many sixth men on the bench in every department in our church! 
That is why we are always training up many reinforcements to serve God in all the departments. 
The House of God shall have no lack of people serving Him!

On FIRE but Dont B______
A Deep Bench in our church helps ensure our faithful people keep being on fire but don’t burn out. 
The perennial problem with most churches is that once they build one good team they use them every weekend till Jesus Christ comes back! 
As a Christian in my teenage years, I can almost swear that I saw cobwebs forming under the arm of the only organist our church had! 
Deep Bench ensures that you don’t have to tap on the same team. 
Another team can serve as the first team rests and the quality does  not drop. 
(I hear burnt-out leaders heave a sigh of relief here!)
Another HOGC buzzword? Sustainable – which means able to keep at a good pace. 
We want our crew to serve at a sustainable pace so that nobody burns out. 
In HOGC, we are volunteer-reliant. 
So we want to take care of our volunteers. 
A crew in our church only serves a maximum of twice a month. 
With the Deep Bench in church, everybody dares to be on fire for Jesus and nobody needs to burn out!

EXPAND but Dont W__________
We don’t want to be a church that is a mile wide but an inch deep. 
Expansion is good but don’t weaken your church. 
With a Deep Bench, if the church expands into new grounds
(e.g., global, missions) the local church which is home base will always be strong.
The ideal goal HOGC strives for is to have three different teams in every department. 
One team will be serving at home base, the second team will either be sent out for missions or training new crew and the third team will be doing the most important – resting!
Having a Deep Bench has enabled us to do missions the way we do. 
In 2018 and 2019, we brought 143 and 212 ministry crew respectively to run the Strong Church Hong Kong Conference. It was like exporting a full conference. Our crew did everything from the ground up. They ran everything from the worship team, sound, operations and media to ushering, security, hosts, décor and even building maintenance! Even the crew who served in Hong Kong were rostered and did not have to serve every session. Both years, we still ran services at home without compromising quality! Expand but don’t weaken!
And back in 2018, we also brought 85 members to Chiang Mai, Thailand, when HOGC had the wonderful opportunity to partner John and Lisa Bevere in running a conference. Again, services at home still ran as per normal while 85 first-team, experienced ministry members were engaged in missions overseas!
I say this not to brag but to stress how important it is to build the Deep Bench in your church, because ultimately it is about people, people, people, which leads me to the next point.
REST to R____________________
Rest is the next best-loved four-letter word after love. 
If you can rest your ministry volunteers on a regular basis, I assure you, they will come back refreshed, recharged and will recreate some fresh moves in their department. 
Take care of your volunteers!
Serve With No E_________ Date
Even as our youths grow up and enter into a new phase of life, they may not be able to serve as much as they want to. Work commitments or parenthood may reduce their ministry scope. But with Deep Bench, there will always be reinforcements. This ensures that the church will always have volunteers serving at a high capacity. More importantly, this also liberates and enables people at different stages of life to serve at a level best suited to them, even if it means serving at a lower capacity. 
Everyone in HOGC enters into each new demanding ‘grown up’ phase of life with confidence because they know they can continue to serve in church with no expiry date. 
Deep Bench is about people, people, people.

The toughest hurdle in people development in church is when those with ministry experience view the new, younger crew as a threat to themselves. From the usher ministry to platform ministry – any ministry you name – you see the veterans holding tight to their post, refusing even an inch of space for the younger people. 
Why is this so? 
That is because the older generation fears being replaced! 
The younger generation is viewed as pests who are so competitive that they would even arm wrestle their grandmothers for a glass of water! 
Replacement fear is so commonplace that it has become part of the cultural wallpaper in most churches. It is time for churches to have an epochal advance in ministry by having a seismic shift in mindset! GenerationS are Not Replacements but Reinforcements!
=====     RELATED:  “Stack the Deck STRATEGY”
Your vision, strategies, and plans can all be great on paper.  But at the end of the day, it all hinges on leadership.  If your church is relying on too few leaders to accomplish too many things, you’ll never experience sustainable growth. 
Churches that grow have a deep bench. 
Therefore, you need to stack the deck in your favor by recruiting and developing more and better leaders.  In fact, we recommend that most pastors build their schedule so that they can dedicate about a third of their week to leadership development.   It’s that important! 
Jesus understood that the long-term success of His message didn’t depend on the size of the crowd He preached to but on the quality of the leaders who followed Him. 
The growth of the movement hinged on the capacity of the leaders Jesus developed. 
The same is true for you.  In our Leadership Pipeline process, we teach churches how to create a system for recruiting leaders and helping them be more effective. Churches that go through that process frequently remark that the paradigm shift towards leadership development is the single most impactful thing they have done to influence church growth.  It’s no wonder! 
God has called every believer into ministry, and it’s the role of leaders to focus on equipping the saints to live out their calling.  Church growth isn’t about nickels and noses.  It’s not about fog machines and cool lights.   Church growth isn’t about fueling your ego.   But God is calling every church to grow because every church is called to go and make disciples.
If you want to experience sustainable and healthy church growth,
lean into these five principles*
(SEE COMPLETE ARTICLE HERE:).  Just do the next
right thing.  You’ll be surprised how far you come in
the months and years to come.