It is always good to be learning from others.
Learn from what God has been doing through others.
BELOW is the Guideline on how a church [JUBILEE, USA] prepares for their WEEKEND ENCOUNTERS.
It is preferable to be from the city.
If that is not possible, it could be at a venue where people can spend three uninterrupted days together. It could be in a conference centre, hotel or leisure centre.
Only those who have gone through the Pre-encounter should take part.
The group should be homogenous – men, women, young men or young women or married couples. Boys and girls can participate together in the Children’s Encounters.
The price fixed to cover the Encounter expenses. The disciple should pay his own costs.
They generally take place at weekends, beginning on Friday evening, all day Saturday and
finishing sometime on Sunday afternoon.
We aim for each of the twelve to take approximately six people to the Encounter making an
average of seventy two people. The coordinator will have twelve guides to help with the ministry.
Every guide should make sure that every participant is fully ministered to. That way one guide is
not overloaded.
The team consists of a spiritual guide, a coordinator and a group of guides.
The team should have been trained in the different ministries, during the previous one or two months.
Encounters are for homogenous groups; therefore the topics are prepared according to the needs
of each group.
Topics covered include: What is a True Encounter, Repentance - Coming to the Father, Joy of Forgiveness, Redemption Plan, Breaking Curses - The Peniel Experience, Faith to
Heal the Soul, Vision for Success, Getting to know the Scriptures, Family, Water Baptism,
Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Importance of the Post Encounter.
The encounter is residential; no one may leave before it ends.
Each person attending should fill in a registration form, complete the Pre-encounter and arrive well prepared and with an open heart.
Cares for the spiritual well being of the team during the preparation as well as during the actual
Encounter. The Spiritual Guide should also:
• Ministers to the team
• Go over the lectures assigned to the guides
• Promote team work
• Minister at the main lectures throughout the Encounter such as: Deliverance, Inner Healing and Repentance.
Coordinates every activity within the Encounter, both at the spiritual and administrative level:
On a spiritual level the Coordinator:
1. Prepares the spiritual atmosphere of the Encounter through his own personal efforts and
that of the team.
2. Asks God for a specific word for the Encounter and then shares it with the team. This is
an essential, because through prayer God will give a Rhema Word and reveal His specific
plan for people in each particular Encounter.
3. Encourages and guides the team in prayer, fasting and spiritual warfare for the Encounter.
4. Encourages prayer, watches over the unity and holiness of the team and its sensitivity to
the Holy Spirit.
5. Motivates the team to pray on a daily basis for the Encounter and engage in spiritual
warfare against any opposition that may arise before or during the Encounter.
6. Organises a prayer and fasting chain during the preparation for the Encounter.
7. Supervises and evaluates the Encounter, ensuring that all the goals have been met.
8. Ministers the Post-encounter in order to support and strengthen all the teaching received
in the Encounter and continues to oversee the development of each person who attended
the Encounter.
On an administrative level, the Coordinator:
1. Plans, organizes and supervises the actual activity of the Encounter, delegating duties to
each guide.
2. Ensures that the preparation is done.
3. Allocates the groups of people and evaluates whether each person who attends has been
discipled properly.
4. Chooses an intercession team for the preparation and development of the Encounter.
5. Delegates lectures to the guides, then supervises and evaluates the fulfillment of goals for
each lecture.
1. They need to be extremely familiar with the Encounter material.
2. Aim to take between six to ten people to the Encounter.
3. Learn, study and know the lectures, which they have been allocated.
4. Prepare themselves by prayer and fasting.
5. Communicate with their designated group during and after the Encounter.
6. Seek unity and interaction with the other guides, having a humble spirit and a servant
heart, always being polite and pleasant, prudent in words and with a Christian attitude.
7. Disciple each one of the people they have invited.
8. Ensure that after the Encounter and Post-Encounter, every person will be placed in a cell,
the School of Leaders and is being discipled by a G12 leader, starting on the Ladder of
Success and on their way to becoming a leader in their own right.
9. Look out for and follow up on individuals who need further ministry at and after the
(6 Weeks Preparation Schedule)
Period Suggested day Activity
1st to 7th week
Every Tue & Wed morning
Prayer and Fasting
1st week Friday all night
prayer and fasting
1) Lesson 1: ‘Privilege of the Call’ (with ministry time).
The coordinator should share with the team of guides the prophetic word for the Encounter. Plan a roster of prayer and fasting with the whole team.
2) Introduction of the team. (The guides’ testimony).
2nd week Friday all night
prayer and fasting
3) Lesson 2: ‘Keeping ourselves in total holiness’ (with ministry time).
The guides share any word for the Encounter that God may have given them during that week. Define the specific goals with the team, followed by prayer and spiritual warfare for the Encounter.
3rd week Friday all night prayer and fasting
4) Lesson 3: ‘What it is to be a Guide’ (with ministry time).
Delegate responsibilities, assign each Encounter lecture to the appropriate guide and explain its goals.
4th week Friday all night prayer and fasting
5) Lesson 4: ‘Having a heart full of love and compassion’ (with ministry time). Intercessory prayer for anyspecific areas God may have revealed.
6) Go over the outlines of the lectures they have been assigned, pray for the Encounter.
5th week Friday all night prayer and fasting
7) Preliminary meeting with the participants to verify their preparation
8) Lesson 5: ‘Depending on the Holy Spirit’ (with ministry time).
Final corrections to the lectures (by the spiritual guide)
9) Go over the complete lectures. Check over the delegated responsibilities.
10) Spiritual warfare for each lecture and specific areas of the whole Encounter
6th week Friday night
Congregation Meeting
11) Ministry time with the spiritual guides
12) Final meeting with all the participants and their families for prayer and spiritual warfare
6th week Fri - Sun 24 hrs Full fast
(4 Weeks Preparation Schedule)
Period Event & Day Activity
1st to 5th week Tue morning
Prayer and fasting (at least 1 meal)
1st to 5th week Wed lunch Synchronized prayer & fasting (at least 1 meal)
1st week
Friday night prayer and fasting
1) Lesson 1: ‘Privilege of the Call’ (with ministry time).
The coordinator should share with the team of guides the prophetic word for the Encounter. Plan a roster of prayer and fasting with the whole team.
2) Introduction of the team. (The guides’ testimony).
3) Lesson 2: ‘Keeping ourselves in total holiness’ (with ministry time).
2nd week
Friday night
prayer and fasting
4) Lesson 3: ‘What it is to be a Guide’ (with ministry time).
Delegate responsibilities, assign each Encounter lecture to the
appropriate guide and explain its goals.
The guides share any word for the Encounter that God may have given them during that week. Define the specific goals with the team, followed by prayer and spiritual warfare for the Encounter.
3rd week
Friday night
prayer and fasting
5) Lesson 4: ‘Having a heart full of love and compassion’
(with ministry time). Intercessory prayer for any specific areas God may have revealed.
6) Go over the outlines of the lectures they have been assigned, pray for the Encounter.
7) Preliminary meeting with the participants to verify their preparation
4th week
Friday night
Men’s Congregation Meeting to pray for Encounter
8) Final meeting with all the participants and their families for prayer and spiritual warfare
4th week Friday night
prayer and fasting
9) Lesson 5: ‘Depending on the Holy Spirit’ (with
ministry time).
Final corrections to the lectures (by the spiritual guide)
10) Go over the complete lectures. Check over the delegated responsibilities.
11) Spiritual warfare for each lecture and specific areas of the whole Encounter
Ministry time with the spiritual guides
4th week Fri – Sun 24 hrs Full fast
5th week Friday - Sunday ENCOUNTER WEEKEND HERE WE COME!
Team Preparation Lesson No. 1
“Now the Lord said to Abram: Get out of your country, from your family and from your
father’s house, to a land that I will show you. And I will make you a great nation; and I will bless
you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing. And I will bless those who bless you
and I will curse him who curses you and in you all the families of the earth shall blessed.
“(Genesis 12:1-3).
Verse to memorise
“And I will make you a great nation; and I will bless you and make your name great; and you
shall be a blessing.”(Genesis 12:2)
To make the guides understand the importance of their responsibility, so that they are successful
in their task.
Are you sure of your calling?
A calling is a gift from God for each one of His children. Abraham was not seeking a call, but it
pleased God to reveal himself to him and to call him.
Though the call to Abraham came directly from God, it was up to him to believe it, obey it and
respond to it.
We find some interesting aspects in Abraham’s life about how he responded to the call.
a. Immediate obedience. He did not wait for weeks or months, but he immediately
responded to the divine call.
b. Total obedience. Abraham obeyed every word that the Lord revealed to him.
c. Genuine faith. The faith of Abraham was as pure as a child’s he never doubted
any of the words God gave him.
d. Perserverance. Abraham did not look at the circumstances but believed that God
would be faithful in what He had promised to do.
It pleases God. God was so pleased with Abraham’s response to each one of the tests that He put
him through that he decided to establish an intimate relationship with him.
It made the promise of God real in his life.
Abraham became a friend of God. God established His covenant with him and all his
descendants. He then received the anointing for multiplication.
Just as Abraham believed Jehovah and it was counted to him for righteousness so every
Guide should believe God be sure of his calling and respond faithfully to it.
Minister to the guides, leading them through every point explained above and to value and take
their calling to lead the people of God.
Team Preparation Lesson No. 2
“To grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve him without
fear in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life” (Luke 1:74-75)
To teach every guide to value holiness and to remain holy as a key to seeing God’s power in
their lives.
What benefits does a holy life bring?
To be holy is to have been chosen and set apart by God before the foundation of the world. God
chose us for his service and He does not share us with anything or anyone.
The benefit that a holy life brings is that God will be able to use you.
In Judges13:25 God sanctified Samson that he would be full of the Spirit of God enabling him to deliver the people of Israel.
1. Chosen by God in times of crisis
2. Is given supernatural strength
3. Boundaries are set to maintain his integrity
4. Is given the task to bring freedom to the people of Israel
1. Excessive confidence in the flesh
2. Playing with temptation
3. Excessive self confidence
4. Being unequally yoked with an unbeliever
5. Giving in to pressure from other people (See Judges 15 and 16)
1. You become a slave of your enemies
2. You completely lose the vision of God
3. You are mocked and ridiculed
4. You suffer slander and are treated badly
5. You die
1. Genuine repentance
2. Plead for God’s favor
3. Ask for the renewal of the anointing
4. Commit to accomplish your task faithfully
Samson, though was the strongest man in the world, did not care about his relationship with God
and this brought his destruction. Every believer, no matter how strong spiritually, exposed
himself to the same potential disaster as Samson if he is not careful to continually walk with God.
During the ministry time we should lead the guides to examine themselves, recognize their
failures and in a simple way ask the Lord to forgive, restore and renew their relationship with
Team Preparation Lesson No. 3
“The righteous should choose his friends carefully for the way of the wicked leads them astray”
(Proverbs 12:26)
Verse to memorise
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God (Romans 8:14)
To motivate the guide to carry out his task with all the diligence that the work of God demands.
What does it mean to be a guide?
“ However, when he, the Spirit of Truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth; for He will
not speak on his own authority, but whatever He hears he will speak; and he will tell you things
to come” (John 16:13)
To be a guide is to be a representative of Jesus on earth. It is to communicate faithfully the
message that has been assigned, to be a watchman and warn concerning the future, to be a person
under authority. As Romans 13:1 says: “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.
For there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.”
A guide should be well balanced and properly prepared.
On a spiritual level he should know the Bible and study it in depth. He should have strong
relationship with God through prayer and fasting.
On a personal level he should excel in everything he does and promote unity within the team.
• The correct attitude always comes as a result of being in God’s presence.
• Has a humble and serving attitude.
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45)
• Allows God to take and mould his life.
• Has authority because of the transparency of his ways.
• Treats everyone equally, with no preferences.
• Identifies himself with the suffering of other people.
The guide’s work should be done with excellence and discipline, as it will help the spiritual
growth of those who attend the Encounter.
During the ministry time lead the guides to reflect on every aspect of this teaching and lead them
into a radical commitment to serve with excellence.
Team Preparation Lesson No. 4
“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13)
Verse to memorise
“And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude and He was moved with compassion for
them and healed their sick” (Matthew 14:14)
To make the guide understand the importance of knowing the desire of God’s heart, which is to
save the lost because of His great love and compassion.
What is love with compassion?
Jesus gave us the example of real love by giving His life in our place, showing God’s love for
humanity through the cross.
God gives all His love without reservation. According to Matthew 14:14, Jesus had compassion
and made every effort to meet them. Compassion makes us like Jesus who has compassion for
people and meets their needs.
It is the desire of God’s heart.
“So I sought for a man among them that should make a wall and stand on the gap before Me on
behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it but I found no one” (Ezekiel 22:30)
It is a commandment.
“These things I command you, that you love one another.” (John 15:17)
• Understanding man’s condition without God.
• Putting ourselves in someone else’s place.
• Feeling a burden for the needs of another.
• Crying out with all our heart for mercy.
As the prophet Daniel did – in chapter 9 – when he turned to God in prayer and supplication.
Identifying with the sins of the people, as if he had sinned, and then confessing them before God,
and pleading for forgiveness, the favor and divine mercy.
Jesus gave us the example of the greatest love and compassion. These were the reasons why He
came into the world. In the same way, we should make every effort to follow Him and fulfill His
During the ministry time, acknowledge the hardness in our hearts to the needs of others and ask
for real love and divine compassion.
Team Preparation Lesson No. 5
“Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be united
into another man” (1Samuel 10:6)
To teach every guide to depend completely on the Holy Spirit for every task that is assigned to
What does it mean to depend on the Holy Spirit?
To depend on the Holy Spirit means:
1. To trust and be dependent totally on him
2. Complete surrender of our life
3. Be sensitive to His voice
4. Immediate obedience
“I, the Lord, search the heart, I try the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, and
according to the fruit of his doings” (Jeremiah 17:10)
We can see in this verse four aspects that would help us to lead by the Holy Spirit.
1. Let Him search your mind through His word.
2. Stay firm in the midst of trials
3. Remain in the right path without deviating.
4. Permanently bear fruit in the ministry allotted to us.
If we want complete success in everything we do, we should depend totally on the Holy Spirit.
As the Lord told us through the prophet Zechariah: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My
Spirit, says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6)
Let there be a complete surrender of our lives to the Holy Spirit, renouncing any blockage –
whether fears, insecurities, complexes, traumas or sins – let the Holy Spirit fill every area of our
Friday, July 29, 2016
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
goood morning from NASHVILLE
Goodmorningg pastor ...
Im attending like for the past few months already in this church called City on a Hill ....
its kinda same as Hislife before when it started in a coffee shop.....
amazing feeling to be home ... [NASHVILLE, RALPH --- yx greatest cook]
When you receive this development, you rejoice, knowing that people are continuing to follow the LORD wherever they are!
Ralph is one of my LifeGroup members [jrs 12].
below, the picture Ralph sent ... a church that meets in a coffee shop.
bring yourself into the picture and tell me what yo see .... tell me what you feel .... tell me where we can GO :-)
SMALL CHURCHES are always the beginning of MEGA ones!
Im attending like for the past few months already in this church called City on a Hill ....
its kinda same as Hislife before when it started in a coffee shop.....
amazing feeling to be home ... [NASHVILLE, RALPH --- yx greatest cook]
When you receive this development, you rejoice, knowing that people are continuing to follow the LORD wherever they are!
Ralph is one of my LifeGroup members [jrs 12].
below, the picture Ralph sent ... a church that meets in a coffee shop.
bring yourself into the picture and tell me what yo see .... tell me what you feel .... tell me where we can GO :-)
SMALL CHURCHES are always the beginning of MEGA ones!
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