Monday, March 3, 2025


His Life Ministries
Child Dedication 

Purpose of Dedication

Dedicating a child to the Lord doesn't secure their salvation. We believe children are already under God's saving grace up to an age of accountability known to God in each case. 

Rather, Child Dedication is an opportunity for the Parents to:

-- Gratefully recognize and affirm that their child ultimately comes from and belongs to God, and is a gift entrusted to their care for just a time 
(Psalm 127:3, Proverbs 22:6)

-- Surrender their child to God's will for his or her life above the parent's own plans (1 Samuel 1:27-28)

-- Dedicate themselves as parents to model godliness and raise their child in accordance with God's instructions found in His Word 
(Psalm 78:4-7 and Ephesians 6:1-4)

for Participation

While God's ideal intention for 
child-rearning is a two-parent home, involving a father and mother, He works redemptively and effectively in all types of family situations, as we place our faith in Him and seek to live according to His ways.

An authentic dedication to raise children by modeling and instructing them in Christian faith and life requires certain guidelines for those who would participate in the dedication ceremony.

In general, those dedicating a child should be living a Christian life and have significant (if not primary) responsibility for raising the child, along with the following:

-- Babies and children through age 5 are eligible for child dedication (if you desire to dedicate an older child, please speak with a pastor about your situation)

-- If both father and mother are participating, they need to be married and living together,

-- Single parents need to have at least partial custody of and/or regular legally sanctioned involvement in the child's life

-- An unwed mother or father needs to talk with a pastor beforehand to discuss their situation

-- Grandparents or relatives raising a child need to have legal custody or guardianship.

If you have questions about any of these guidelines or other possible situations, please talk with a pastor.

His Place Community 

HLM for Child Dedication Guidelines PURPOSES

Call 4412561 His Life NACIONAL Office to Book an Event