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March 20, 2012
It is a HOPE-Filled and MIRACULOUS-Filled 2012!
It greeted us, it united us, it made us see the Almighty Hand of our Father God in Heaven move in our midst. Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ who paved the way through His Cross and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit revealing these to us in Scripture.
As the given leaders of the church, the KING’s MEN network (together with your First Lady), let’s continue to serve, and move in the highest service we can all do for all the Networks—Women, Young Professionals, Youth and our Children.
From this perspective, I am giving you a vision to “BISHOP” people. This is a noble ambition (see the following words used in 1 Timothy 3:1)
New International Version (©1984)
Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task.
Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task.
New Living Translation (©2007)
This is a trustworthy saying: "If someone aspires to be an elder, he desires an honorable position."
This is a trustworthy saying: "If someone aspires to be an elder, he desires an honorable position."
Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
This is a trustworthy saying, that if a man desires Eldership, he desires a good work.
This is a trustworthy saying, that if a man desires Eldership, he desires a good work.
GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
This is a statement that can be trusted: If anyone sets his heart on being a bishop, he desires something excellent.
This is a statement that can be trusted: If anyone sets his heart on being a bishop, he desires something excellent.
King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
This is a true saying, If a man desires the office of a bishop, he desires a good work.
This is a true saying, If a man desires the office of a bishop, he desires a good work.
American Standard Version
Faithful is the saying, If a man seeketh the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
Faithful is the saying, If a man seeketh the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
“To BISHOP people” — This is one of the most needed FUNCTION we have to act upon as we want to reach the multitudes in these present season.
BISHOP, noun
1. a person who supervises a number of local churches or a diocese, being in the Greek, Roman Catholic, Anglican, and other churches a member of the highest order of the ministry.
2. a spiritual supervisor, overseer, or the like.
I believe we have to start as DEACONS, then move on to greater service and responsibility — thus YOU ARE NOW TO HAVE THE FUNCTION OF BISHOP as a MIND-SET. Don’t be called ONE, rather just function as ONE. This has to be IT, if you really want to REACH THE MULTITUDES.
YOU MUST HAVE not JUST 12 people, but 12 LifeGroups OVERSEEN by you.
The best if you have already The 144 in place (if not — just continue in the Vision of Discipleship).
YOU MUST HAVE not JUST 1 or 2 SITES, BUT GO for 12 SITES, REGIONS, CITIES overseen by you and your wife. This is BISHOPPING. Wow!
I relate this to what Jesus mentioned as a CONGRATULATORAY pronouncement to the one who delivered an increase in the Parable of the Minas found in Luke 17:10, which goes, “‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’”
I praise the LORD for 2012. I believe for more NEW PEOPLE, NEW DISCIPLES, NEW LEADERS and NEW CHURCHES and SITES to be launched for the Glory of God. This is the DIRECTION I am willing to go to make a difference and a transformation in our community, city and country(s) that God has placed me and Trixie to be together with our church at His Life Ministries.
I know I could not do this alone. That is why a UNIFIED and a PASSIONATE TEAM is a requirement. TEAMS make DREAMS work. And TEAMS make CATALYTIC movements, it is also a powerful MULTIPLYER!
This year 2012, God has placed YOU in my heart to ask you if you would like to still be part of my 12. We will pray together, preach together, disciple people together in the Vision and Values of His Life Ministries.
If there is peace in your heart regarding this TEAM-WORKING, please let me know. You will be part of my 12, my LifeGroup, our Leadership Group at His Life. It entails a leader’s meeting once every TWO MONTHS (on a TUESDAY) together for planning, organizing, discussing and pursuing with excellence what God has called us to do together.
Get the will of Father God regarding this. Please let me know if God the Holy Spirit is leading you to be part of MY TEAM of Glorifying God and Making Disciples at the Top Level — just text 0918-281-7910 of your response on or before March 31, 2012.
I’m excited for 2012.
God will do a wonderful and honorable thing through our church in the Philippines and beyond.
JR here
PS — please read related article on THINK LIKE A BISHOP <<< click HERE
· involves total commitment to the task
· Involves getting out of the ordinary
· Involves the speed of God
· For His Honor
· Your wish is my command
· Making Him famous in micro and macro involvements
· To make disciples in the Vision of 12
· Follow the 7 fold Vision of KM
· IDENTIFICATION of Men who are not yet in LifeGroups
· Our Accountability Guide Questions
· And HEART … your PASSION
The VEHICLE to Accomplish this:
· Praying Together
· Preaching Together
· Discipling Together
· Dreaming Together
· Planning, Organizing, Discussing and Pursuing with EXCELLENCE together
Our Coverage:
· Our Beloved Nation — The Philippines
· Now birthing in ASIA
· Then to ALL NATIONS of the World!
7 QUESTIONS to ask regularly for your
1. How are you physically?
Health, sleep, food, exercise, rest, recreation
2. How are you mentally?
Books, magazines, films, internet use, current events
3. How are you emotionally?
Issues of the heart, opposite or same sex struggles, purity check
4. How are you socially?
Relationship with family (spouse and kids), church, life group, pre-believers
5. How are you financially?
Tithes & offerings, pledges, spending habits, debt problems, financial breakthroughs and difficulties
6. How are you spiritually?
Intimacy with and obedience to God
7. Is there anything you want to share to me that I have not asked?
Below is Trixie's Invitation Letter for YX 12
Greetings in the name of Jesus our Lord!
After more than 3 months, I will be going back to youth ministry officially this April 1. I praise the Lord for all the great and good things He has done in me and my family as well as among you in YX. I thank Him too for laying down things in my heart while I was away.
We all have sensed in our spirits that something big is coming in God's Kingdom, in the church, in our nation, in our personal lives and only those who are ready or more correctly stated have made themselves ready can perceive, receive and participate in it.
It is in this light that I am writing this letter to you because the very first thing that I need to settle is the leadership condition. There is a need for us to reconsider the decision we have made when we took the leadership challenge...we all need to know that this is no light matter anymore considering what is required of us in the coming move of God...because when we do not count the cost well and see if we can pay the price, we can end up as casualties. This will not only affect us but others, tool.I need you to evaluate yourself if you are able to do the following:
1. be honest about who you really are before me and others (no pretensions of who you are not and no walls and masks)
2. have a discipline of quiet time daily - reading the Bible and meditating on God's Word and praying (and not cute prayers but warfare and intercessory prayers)
3. fast regularly once a week or at least 2x a month
4. pay your tithe
5. attend our life group meetings faithfully
6. lead your life group in the vision of discipleship - meet them regularly, bring them up toward the ladder of success; by now you should have produced life group leaders who are leading their own life groups...(if this is not happening I would be questioning your own commitment to the vision)
7. be submissive to and supportive of our church leaders
8. be holy and not worldly - to share my convictions with regard to sexual issues and relationships, drinking and other vices (these are two of the most important matters in the youth), etc.
9. be disciplined in your lifestyle, ministry, family, work or school (laziness cannot be tolerated)
10. in case something is missed, here is the ender that will cover everything - I need you to be a man/woman after God's own heart (and this is not easy).
If there is any doubt after you have read this letter, please do resign from the leadership...this is for your own good and for the good of others. If you only have a "I hope to be"or "I promise to be" attitude, please take back your commitment, too...this will save us all the other problems that will arise later. I am trying my best to really discourage you from making a step that will cost something you cannot pay. Do not let your concern of losing a good reputation keep you from backing out because really, it takes more courage to admit that it is not yet time for you than to continue with a pretentious heart. What will happen to those who will back out? You will still be a leader under the 12 and will continue to be trained until you are ripe and ready.
For those of you who think you are and who can, I still encourage you to rethink and rethink more deeply.
'Ng Trix
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