Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Build a Legendary Team

  • Start planning and training for the up-coming SERIES or CAMPAIGN about two months prior to the launch!
  • Begin by building a team of SERIES OR CAMPAIGN Coordinators.
  • Each team member will assist you by coordinating a specific component of the SERIES OR CAMPAIGN.

TEAM must have these SIX TEAM MEMBERS:

At the head is the Pastor, who gives spiritual leadership to the campaign, casting the vision and motivating the congregation to get involved.

At the heart is the SERIES Director, who reports to the Pastor and manages the coordinators as they perform the day-to-day work of the SERIES / STUDY.

Working with the SERIES Director as the other logistics administrator of the team, the Communications Coordinator promotes the SERIES and supports the other team members by coordinating all their communication to the church.
[TIP:  Wire Team Leader may do this]

Working in tandem with the PASTOR, the Prayer Coordinator plans and implements the prayer strategy, covering the entire SERIES effort with prayer. Prayer is part of the individual-level engagement with the SERIES -STUDY.

The Weekend Services Coordinator plans the thematic weekend services during the campaign, preparing the special features that enhance the exploration of each week’s theme. It is in the weekend services that people experience the congregational level of engagement with the SERIES.
[TIP:  Worship Team Leader may do this with the ENTIRE 5Ws]

The Small Group Coordinator directs the team that recruits and trains hosts for adult small groups, and provides support as they form their groups and meet weekly during the SERIES. Here, participants experience the small group-level of engagement with the campaign.
[TIP:  PT TEAM Leader may do this with the WIRE Team Leader -- PT is Pastoral Team]


Prayer is the first step to building a great team of coordinators.
Resist the urge to run right out and make a few phone calls to the “usual suspects.”
Wait on God.
There may be someone in your church you wouldn’t have thought of, but who has gifts just waiting  to be used on your team. God has been preparing them for such a time as this.
Through prayer, let the Lord lead you to his team of Coordinators.

As you build the SERIES Coordinators Team, think about [AND RECRUIT] those in your church who are involved in service and ministry, or newer members who have expressed a passion for getting involved with their new church. Building a team for such a significant experience in your church’s life offers the opportunity to help your church and its ministry long-term. You might discover potential new leaders for your church. People may find and develop their spiritual gifts in new areas of ministry they’ve never considered.

Here are some suggested qualifications to seek in any TEAM MEMBER:
  1. Excitement and enthusiasm about sharing the vision of the SERIES with others
  2. An authentic walk with the Lord
  3. Leadership and/or organizational gifts
  4. Strategic and/or creative thinking
  5. Willingness to give the necessary time to this SERIES
  6. Well-respected as a spiritual leader
  7. A commitment to excellence
  8. Ability to problem-solve and delegate responsibilities

In choosing people for specific roles as COORDINATORS, here are some key questions to ask:
    • Who is a Big Picture person that is gifted in administration and team-building?
  • COMMUNICATIONS Coordinator:  
    • Who knows the internal systems of your church well?
  • PRAYER Coordinator:
    • Who is the prayer warrior in your church?
  • WEEKEND SERVICES Coordinator:
    • Who knows the style of your church and can work effectively with the Pastor?
  • SMALL GROUPS Coordinator:
    • Who knows a lot of people in your church and has a passion for creating community?
Depending on the scope of your SERIES, you may also need to  add other COORDINATORS for Children and Youth, Kick-Off, Culmination, Banquets, Special Events and Mission Projects!

The First Team Meeting
Team meetings are great opportunities in infuse a strong sense of community into your SERIES COORDINATORS.
  • Pray together.
  • Dream and trust God together. You will develop a deep and unbreakable bond in your joint effort to lead this powerful, life-changing journey in your church.
Before you first meeting, think through how the SERIES may need to be adjusted to fit into your church’s specific context, but be careful about making any wholesale changes. Thousands of churches have discovered that doing the SERIES the way it is prescribed gets the most effective results.

The Pastor and the SERIES Director lead the first meeting together.
The Pastor shares the vision of the SERIES and the SERIES Director explains the preparation materials. Distribute Success SERIES Guides to each coordinator. As you explain what it takes to prepare for the SERIES, make sure everyone comes away understanding the following four concepts:

1. Who does what?
All team members need to become familiar with their particular area of responsibility and how they fit into the SERIES. Each coordinator should review his/her Success Guide before choosing other team members to assist them in their responsibilities.

2. How do we do this?
The Success Guides provide step-by-step procedures for each phase of the SERIES. Although all of the coaching materials have grown out of the experiences of thousands of churches, we know that one size does not fit all. The specific way in which you carry out each step can be adjusted to fit your local context.

3. When Does It Need to be Done?
The timeline included in this guide lists general guidelines for when each step of the SERIES needs to be done. Depending on the size of your congregations, the timelines might need to be adjusted. Keep in mind it is usually better to allow too much time than too little.

4. When Will We Meet?
The timeline included in this guide lists general guidelines for when each step of the SERIES needs to be done. Depending on the size of your congregations, the timelines might need to be adjusted. Keep in mind it is usually better to allow too much time than too little.

Notes about SERIES Coordinators’ Meetings
When you hold team meetings, your agenda should be mostly about things that concern the entire team. Here are some possible agenda items for each meeting:
Progress since the last meeting
Upcoming events or promotions that need coordination between teams
What is going well?
What is not going well?
Where is help needed?

VERY HELPFUL MATERIAL BELOW ... go and click below



  • Provides a full-bodied learning experience for your entire congregation.
  • Increases church unity through a combined focus. The Church Campaign unites the adults, youth and children on one specific topic or biblical text for a focused period. There is unity of program, of thinking and of energy.
  • Provides a project to which everyone can contribute! Church Campaigns have a place for all giftings to serve in.
  • Focuses on a specific topic or biblical text, and each includes a variety of resources that can be used by church leaders every week — typically including sermon transcripts, sermon outlines, PowerPoint presentations, supplemental preaching illustrations, Bible studies, supplemental icebreakers and activities.
  • Is typically developed by an expert on the subject.
  • Allows you to stop, at least for the Church Campaign period, those activities and ministries that are not working. This valid pause may provide a time for all involved to re-evaluate the effectiveness of the ministry they are committed to.
  • Requires team work to achieve the Church Campaign’s potential, thereby increasing this capacity in your church for future ministry.
  • Increases church attendance.
  • Activates your membership through a deepened spiritual commitment. Members are motivated to attend services, participate in the devotionals and join small groups.
  • Is small group driven – thus leaving the church with a dynamic and expanded small group structure on which to build after the Church Campaign ends.
  • Giving typically goes up.
  • Leads to a changed focus from “us” to “others” and raises awareness of local and global community needs.
  • Building on the sermons and Bible studies, the Church Campaigns are anticipated to lead to projects of good work.

Monday, May 29, 2017

HIS LIFE opus creation

All through the years since we began HIS LIFE MINISTRIES@1993, we experienced the LORD in His marvels, wonders and grace.  A response of Testimony and Thanks has always been heard.
This time, I would like to see it "captured"!  Captured in a SONG.  Captured to be SUNG back to Him, not by 1 person but by 1 Congregation to another and to the rest of the world.
PRAY, SUPPORT, ENVISION and see a WORSHIPPING church all through the years [back and forward].
Prophetic and Apostolic and Missional Songs need to be written, sung and used as a "WORSHIP tool" in honor of our Almighty Father God in Heaven, led by Holy Spirit for the glory of Jesus!

JUNE 14  2017
#lifeCENTRE CityMall Mandalagan

1st SONGS of WORSHIP and PRAISE Caucus
== GOAL ==
2CAPTURE in al Album/s to be LAUNCHED
3SUNG at SWE nation-wide | world-wide | share to the Body of Christ
NOTE:  PLEASE BRING an (only) ORIGINAL Sample/s birthed out from your INTIMACY with JESUS
*bring your instruments | lyrics on WORD FILE | or POWERPOINT

Sunday, May 28, 2017

CRUCIBLE sampler introduction

crucible CONTENTS of the Book by Phil Tutle

  • Image vs. Character—David and Samuel
  • Fear vs. Faith—David and Goliath
  • Circumstances vs. Truth—David and Saul
  • Despair vs. Resolve—David and the Amalekites
  • Deception vs. Integrity—David and Bathsheba
  • Arrogance vs. Humility—David and Nathan
  • Entitlement vs. Sacrifice—David and Araunah
  • Disappointment vs. Expectancy—David and Solomon

“Nothing comes out of the crucible the same as it went in.”

CRUCIBLES changes everything.
Some substances are broken down by the fire of the crucible.
Others are refined. Some molecules bond there, while others are separated.
Impurities rise to the surface, where they can be skimmed off the top or left to reintegrate back into the substance when the crucible cools.
The crucible is a place where substances are refined and defined and changed.

King David’s life—the crucible moments that revealed or shaped who he was!

Dictionary definitions for a crucible, straight out of Merriam-Webster’s online:
1. a vessel of a very refractory material (as porcelain) used for melting and calcining a substance that requires a high degree of heat
2. a severe test
3. a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development

Refining PROCESS, the word has also come to mean “a severe test.”
That’s certainly an appropriate description of these moments in the life of David.
There were times when circumstances put intense pressure on him, and what was in his heart came to the surface. But if I had any doubts that this word was fitting for these critical moments in David’s life, the third definition relieved them completely: “a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development.” That’s exactly what David went through—and what all of us will go through too.

Proverbs 17:3 a profound statement about God’s methods:
“The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart.”
The crucible moments of our lives can reveal what’s in our hearts and develop us into the people God wants us to be.
“the crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart.”

SERIES Crucible: The Choices That Change Your Life Forever.

Ultimately, this isn’t a book about David; it’s about us.
It begins by exploring the question, How did God transform a young shepherd boy into the greatest King Israel ever had? It’s encouraging that He did, but it was an excruciatingly long process to take this shepherd with a tender heart toward God and make him into somebody with the wisdom, discernment, boldness, and faith to lead God’s people.

------------ MORE FROM THE BOOK BY PHIL TUTLE ... >>>>>>>>>>>>
How did that happen? How was he transformed and equipped to have a heart after God’s own heart? The reason these questions are important is not because we need to understand David but because we need to understand God. This isn’t just a history lesson. This is how God works in us. At any stage in our lives, He is preparing us for something.
I would love for it to be said of me one day that I have a heart after God’s own heart. Most men and women who follow Him would love to know that about themselves too. The same could be said of us not just as individuals but as families, churches, and other organizations. The way God works with individuals can also apply to groups. How do we collectively bring pleasure to God?
How do we connect with His heart in a way that develops His heart within us?
The answer, whether for individuals or groups, is the same: the crucible.

Mr. Gore was right. Nothing comes out of the crucible the same as it went in. The crucible reveals everything. In the crucible moments of our lives, character will be revealed. Sometimes it will be refined and even defined. Connections and bonds will be made. Impurities will rise to the top. We can skim them off the top and be done with them, or we can squander the opportunity and let them float right back into our character. But the opportunity for growth and development is always there. When the heat is on, some things happen that would not have been possible before.
It’s very likely that regardless of when you picked up this book, there’s something going on in your life that could be called a crucible. Maybe it’s a health crisis—for you personally or someone close to you. Maybe it’s a burden for a close friend or family member who doesn’t share your faith. Perhaps it’s an unwanted and unexpected career transition, a financial crunch, a faltering business, or a foreclosure. It could be a marriage crisis, a rebellious child, an unreasonable boss, a legal battle, or just about anything else. It may be self-inflicted or the result of someone else’s mistakes and selfishness. Or it could simply be part of living in a fallen world. There’s no shortage of challenges in this world to put intense pressure on our lives. We all go through crucibles, sometimes one after another after another for years.
The question isn’t whether we are going to experience the crucible. The question for each of us is how we are going to respond in the midst of it. Sometimes we ask God a lot of questions, usually beginning with the word why. We’re often

Severe tests reveal who we are and shape who we are becoming.
tempted to think that somewhere we got off course, and perhaps that’s true on occasion. But more often, the reason—not the whole reason, but part of it—that God gives us is this: There’s no other way I can produce in your life what I know you need and what you ultimately want without this crucible. It isn’t a comfortable answer, but it’s definitely a biblical one. Severe tests reveal who we are and shape who we are becoming.
Interestingly, many military training programs around the world include a component that’s designed to put pressure on recruits and create a crucible experience. The final week in the U.S. Marine Corps basic training is actually called “the Crucible.” It’s a week of torture. Well, maybe it’s not torture—that’s probably only what some recruits call it as they are going through it. But it’s definitely grueling. It’s a rigorous, fifty-four-hour field experience that includes food- and sleep-deprivation, forty-eight miles of marching, simulated combat experience, and twenty-nine different “problem-solving exercises,” which is probably just a euphemism for crisis situations that require quick and creative thinking to get out of. There are obstacles, unexpected injuries (simulated), martial arts challenges, rushes up steep hills, and assault courses. Recruits must carry forty-five pounds of gear the entire way. And every member of the team must finish together; if one gets left behind, the whole team doesn’t pass.
On the final day, recruits persevere through a forced march up a steep hill at the end of the course. But when they reach the crest of the hill, their grueling test is over. The Marine Hymn plays, they get to feast on a meal that includes previously forbidden foods, and they graduate. At that point, they are called Marines. They will never want to endure that hardship again, but they do not regret it for a moment. They are forever changed.
That’s the Marine version of the crucible, and it’s not far removed from what many of us go through spiritually as God prepares us to be people after His own heart. We are forever changed—if we submit to God’s processes and respond well in the crucible moments of our lives.


  • Provides a full-bodied learning experience for your entire congregation.
  • Increases church unity through a combined focus. The Church Campaign unites the adults, youth and children on one specific topic or biblical text for a focused period. There is unity of program, of thinking and of energy.
  • Provides a project to which everyone can contribute! Church Campaigns have a place for all giftings to serve in.
  • Focuses on a specific topic or biblical text, and each includes a variety of resources that can be used by church leaders every week — typically including sermon transcripts, sermon outlines, PowerPoint presentations, supplemental preaching illustrations, Bible studies, supplemental icebreakers and activities.
  • Is typically developed by an expert on the subject.
  • Allows you to stop, at least for the Church Campaign period, those activities and ministries that are not working. This valid pause may provide a time for all involved to re-evaluate the effectiveness of the ministry they are committed to.
  • Requires team work to achieve the Church Campaign’s potential, thereby increasing this capacity in your church for future ministry.
  • Increases church attendance.
  • Activates your membership through a deepened spiritual commitment. Members are motivated to attend services, participate in the devotionals and join small groups.
  • Is small group driven – thus leaving the church with a dynamic and expanded small group structure on which to build after the Church Campaign ends.
  • Giving typically goes up.
  • Leads to a changed focus from “us” to “others” and raises awareness of local and global community needs.
  • Building on the sermons and Bible studies, the Church Campaigns are anticipated to lead to projects of good work.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

CCCM - Christ Centered Community Metamorphosis

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3