Friday, March 16, 2018


I am sharing to you a RADICAL TOOL in recruiting leadership at His Life YX core group.
This letter is from Trixie (my wife) since she is the one who pastors this team of radicals [this was written years ago, but still in effect today as she would recruit a new one after a new one throughout the years].

Here it goes ...

Greetings in the name of Jesus our Lord!

After more than 3 months, I will be going back to youth ministry officially this April 1.
I praise the Lord for all the great and good things He has done in me and my family as well as among you in YX. I thank Him too for laying down things in my heart while I was away.
We all have sensed in our spirits that something big is coming in God's Kingdom, in the church, in our nation, in our personal lives and only those who are ready or more correctly stated have made themselves ready can perceive, receive and participate in it.
It is in this light that I am writing this letter to you because the very first thing that I need to settle is the leadership condition. There is a need for us to reconsider the decision we have made when we took the leadership challenge ... we all need to know that this is no light matter anymore considering what is required of us in the coming move of God...because when we do not count the cost well and see if we can pay the price, we can end up as casualties.

This will not only affect us but others, too.

I need you to evaluate yourself if you are able to do the following:

1.  Be honest about who you really are before me and others (no pretensions of who you are not and no walls and masks).

2.  Have a discipline of quiet time daily - reading the Bible and meditating on God's Word and praying (and not cute prayers but warfare and intercessory prayers).

3.  Fast regularly once a week or at least 2x a month.

4.  Pay your tithe.

5.  Attend our life group meetings faithfully.

6.  Lead your life group in the vision of discipleship - meet them regularly, bring them up toward the ladder of success; by now you should have produced life group leaders who are leading their own life groups...(if this is not happening I would be questioning your own commitment to the vision)

7.  Be submissive to and supportive of our church leaders.

8.  Be holy and not worldly - to share my convictions with regard to sexual issues and relationships, drinking and other vices (these are two of the most important matters in the youth), etc.

9.  Be disciplined in your lifestyle, ministry, family, work or school (laziness cannot be tolerated)
In case something is missed, here is the ender that will cover everything - I need you to be a man/woman after God's own heart (and this is not easy).

If there is any doubt after you have read this letter, please do resign from the leadership...this is for your own good and for the good of others. If you only have a "I hope to be"or "I promise to be" attitude, please take back your commitment, too...this will save us all the other problems that will arise later. I am trying my best to really discourage you from making a step that will cost something you cannot pay. Do not let your concern of losing a good reputation keep you from backing out because really, it takes more courage to admit that it is not yet time for you than to continue with a pretentious heart. What will happen to those who will back out? You will still be a leader under the 12 and will continue to be trained until you are ripe and ready.

For those of you who think you are and who can, I still encourage you to rethink and rethink more deeply.
------------ end

NOTE # 1
This was a letter wrote years back for the YX CORE by Trixie and is still in effect.
In it are the 10 standard requirements for being in their CORE GROUP.
They are also required to review the passages - 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9;  1 Peter 5:1-4.

NOTE # 2.
If you say yes to YX core, you will be part of  JRS 12 also (only the men leaders).

As I recruit leadership for the KINGSMEN network, I have also a version of my own.
Click here to see MY 12 RECRUITMENT LETTER for MEN 2018-2019.

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