Saturday, January 4, 2020


i grew up in a home without a Dad.
i was born out of wedlock to a single mom and a family in the City of Bacolod.
and due to this shame in the family, my mom had to be transferred to another city (manila) in order for her to bring me out into this world.
instead of choosing abortion, she chose to keep the child.
8 days later after giving birth to her son, she flew back to her hometown carrying the baby boy.

i grew up as a regular kid in the block.
attended the best school in town and was loved by my immediate and extended family.
despite the care and love and assurances my family and relatives gave me, i was insecure and shy regarding my status.  i knew there was something different and lacking in me -- "the boy without a DAD".

this led me to be "HAPPY" on the OUTSIDE, but deep inside SAD and had lots of questions in life.

i grew up as a teenager with organizational talents and abilities in sports.
i also had many friends and even became likable among my peers.

in order to feel more accepted, i did the same things my friends would be doing and engaging in.  active in school, putting self above others, being competitive, drinking alcohol here and there, trying a little of drugs, spending weekends partying, winning varsity ballgames, having a girlfriend and etc.

it was during my 4th year in high school that i realized that soon i may lose my girlfriend of many months due to her migration to another country, and probably would even change her citizenship.
TO KEEP A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP (before skype and fb was an impossibility), this brought me to ask some more questions about life's purpose and meaning.
this also led me to join some "serious" meetings during that time namely Bible Studies and Christian Discovery Groups.
little did i know that this was God's way to introduce me to Him and to have a personal relationship with HIM in CHRIST JESUS.

one evening after attending a BIBLE SEMINAR on "LAW and GRACE", i started to ask more questions about how to be accepted by God; how to be right with Him; how to be His child.
after a few more "desirings", i caught myself praying one evening before bedtime:  "GOD MAKE ME YOUR CHILD in JESUS NAME, Amen".

i became a child of God that day!
everything changed!
i had joy now in reading more and more of the Word of God just like a baby craving for milk; Praying moment by moment and even Joining almost all Bible Studies that is offered in town!

the searcher in me, became a discoverer of this new found life in Jesus Christ alone!
it was the Holy Spirit working all the while upon me and in me.

this led me to become more and more active NOT just in receiving and learning but now in volunteering and serving others.  i then found myself LEADING and influencing people around me as well.  it was a pure joy experience.  it was a life tailor-made for me by the LORD -- serving Him; knowing Him and making Him known.
He totally changed me -- i experienced the "BORN AGAIN" spiritual birth experience.

months and years thereafter, i was nominated DEACON in our church.  this means that i will have some assigned responsibilities.  it was during this time that i had a chance to attend the "BIG LEADERSHIP MEETINGS" of our church family NOT just in our town, but even around the region and nation.  i went to CEBU CITY (this was my first time to be in this LARGE CITY) and was conscious that my earthly father was from that place.  remember:  I have never met him yet personally.  but it was during this time when i was 20 years old in connection with our CHURCH CONFERENCE that i happen to seek for him during the 3rd day i was in his city, CEBU.   guess what? I FINALLY contacted him and met him personally!  it was a joy and a healing moment for me.  it was something unbelievable!
i knew that Father God is molding me to be wise, secure and adepth with life.
i must depend on God moment by moment for He has great, good and gracious plans for me.

through the course of these years and experiences, i finally had a nudging from God to be in full time church ministry work as a pastor.  remember that i am still a student in college during these preparation time.  then after i graduated in college, i intentionally volunteered based on my desire to be a YOUTH PASTOR.  our American Senior Pastor during that time, welcomed me to be in the pastoral staff of our church.  the rest is HISTORY in the MAKING!

now i am serving as a Senior Pastor in our group churches at HIS LIFE MINISTRIES, which i started when i was only 26 years old.  now His Life will be on her 27th year this FEBRUARY 2020.
more and more youth pastors are being raised up to do the work of Evangelism, Discipleship and World Leadership!  We have a vision of Glorifying God and Making Disciples until Jesus come!

it was in 1997 that i married the love and partner of my life and ministry and the mother of my son Joshua 21 and Trina 16.  Trixie, co-serves and pastors together with me. joyfully seeing fruit and more fruit out of prayer and work in the blessing of God. 

my name is Jose Roberto Ramos, also called PASTOR JR, a dreamer; a disciple-maker and an unleasher of servant-leaders to fill the earth with the knowledge and the glory of God, just as the waters cover the sea 🙂



Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Lord for the life of Ptr JR...2 Corinthians 4:11 was established were imperfect people are perfectly welcome..

Anonymous said...

mercies & grace ....