Friday, April 10, 2020

Think Thank Teach THE WOUNDS of JESUS

April 10 2020
Good Friday

click 58 second Video above  THINK THANK TEACH

Think, Thank, Teach.

THINK about the wounds of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Think about that, it happened in the PAST to make you
"The Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus".

THANK God for His wounds,
for His Blood, for His Death.
As you thank Him you celebrate the moment at
this very time knowing that you have Peace with God.

TEACH this to the world around you for this is where
they find their HOPE and their HEALING and
their PEACE with God and even come to the place of
becoming a SON and a DAUGHTER of GOD.

Teach the WOUNDS of Jesus,
Thank JESUS for His Wounds,
THINK about that.

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