Monday, April 15, 2019


Image result for RESURRECTION among millennials painting

by JR

2 Timothy 2:18-19
“…Hymenaeus and Philetus who have deviated from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already occurred, and they undermine the faith of some. Nevertheless, God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord must turn away from iniquity.”

I am wondering what our young people are thinking right now about the truths of Christianity.  Currently I am relentlessly training new leaders and new intern pastors in our Christian group.

Are they still committed to the Word of God? 
To the Gospel?
To the Message of the Cross? 
What about the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead, which is the center-point of our belief in the God who saves us from our sins? 

Have they adjusted their thoughts?
Belief systems?
Many today around the world (including the religious) have adjusted their convictions to what is popular and culture current instead of remaining in the ancient paths.
Hymenaeus and Philetus deviated from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already occurred (or is of no importance whatsoever), and this attacks the faith.

This Resurrection Sunday of the year 2019, I pray that we still would go to the historical past of our hope, joy and victory – the Cross and Resurrection of Christ.
Curious, asking one of our new leaders in Divinity School, this is what he wrote: 

“Resurrection -  The greatest day in History! The day could be the same ordinary day, nothing special, the same old routine. But to those who were part of Jesus’ execution, it is a day to determine the validity of what He declared that on the third day of His death, He would rise back to life again. And true to what He said, it did happen. Even as the tomb was covered with a large stone, it did not hinder Him from coming back to life. Those who were assigned to guard Jesus’ tomb witnessed the realization of His declaration. When the stone was rolled, they saw in front of them the Resurrected Jesus (Matthew 28). At His resurrection, the sting of death had been destroyed. Thus, it became the greatest day in history. The significance of Jesus’ resurrection is important in our day to day living. Jesus’ resurrection will give life to every troubled heart who tends to believe that there’s no hope at all. It gives hope to every dreamer who is about to quit and find it hard to believe the realization of his dream. His Resurrection will be the source of one’s courage in facing death. When Jesus Christ came out from the tomb, that was the start of something new. He conquered death for humanity not to be controlled by guilt, shame and condemnation. He overcame death in order for those who believe in Him to have faith that cannot be shaken by any circumstance. He destroyed the sting of death for us not to be totally consumed by our fear of it.  Death has been destroyed for our eyes to be opened on the reality of eternal life; that there is more to what our eyes can see. When He came out from the tomb, He has proven that His claim of being the Resurrection and Life is not an empty word.  He fulfilled what He said. He accomplished the purpose of His coming. He gave them and us a sure proof that God’s promises are always a yes and an amen. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is indeed the greatest day in history because it changed the course of humanity.”

Is the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ still the CENTER of their thoughts and preaching? Reading Anthony’s write-up above regarding the Resurrection of Christ, makes me still believe that there are young leaders committed still to what God has revealed and declared to be true!
Believe Right, this will change and course your life with confidence till the very end.

*thanks to Brother Anthony Ibanez for sharing his thoughts. Hallelujah!  

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