Wednesday, January 29, 2025

JESUS is MESSIAH February 2025

J E S U S all the Way!!

"Making JESUS Known"

Acts 5:42 nlt
42 And every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to teach and preach this message: "Jesus is the Messiah."



What does Acts 5:42 mean?

The apostles have met their first line of resistance and proved triumphant. 

The Sanhedrin, the council responsible for upholding the Mosaic law among the Jews, arrested, questioned, and beat them. 

The apostles do not react in shame, fear, or hate. They are grateful they stood firm and "were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name" (Acts 5:41). 
This small blip of persecution will not slow them down.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told the people that children of God love their enemies and pray for them (Matthew 5:44–45). 

Paul says those who show genuine love do so by blessing their persecutors (Romans 12:14). 

He goes on to say to live at peace with others, as far as it is possible, and if they cause harm let God take care of it (Romans 12:17–19).

The apostles also exemplify Romans 12:20: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink." 

The members of the Sanhedrin, perhaps more than anyone else in Jerusalem, are hungry for God and thirsty for the truth. 

"Teaching" is from the Greek root word didaskō, which means to provide instruction. 

"Preaching" is from the Greek root word euangelizō. It means to teach about Jesus and His offer of salvation. 

The apostles do both within earshot of the men who arrested and beat them. In response, "a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith" (Acts 6:7).

Christians today often over-think the persecutions they face—especially in the west, where full-blown persecution is rare—and fail to remember the love and prayer their enemies need. 

It is certainly within our rights to strive for churches, ministries, and individuals to enjoy freedoms enshrined in law. 

However, when we value those freedoms more than the lost hearts around us, we need to consider if we are really "worthy to suffer dishonor for the name" (Acts 5:41).

His Life Ministries 
32nd Foundation Series

Main Verse
Acts 5:42 NLT
42 And every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to teach and preach this message: “Jesus is the Messiah.”

There is always something that humans have in common. One is the desire to understand the purpose of existence. Is there anything more to what I see? After college, what is next? Is the goal to make money? What awaits me when I become old and gray?

We all want to know what life means, no matter how we came here, how we were raised, or how diverse we are. What drives this longing is people’s understanding that once you are aware of your purpose, it gives you the direction you need to live your life to the full.

For this reason, our February series is titled MAKING JESUS KNOWN. 

Knowing Jesus is supposed to be man’s ultimate pursuit in life. 
Knowing Jesus means understanding our Creator, which allows us to learn our mission.

Every person who has come to know the forgiveness of sins, who has experienced the grace of God through Jesus, who has the Holy Spirit living inside of them, should be, can be, and is commanded by Christ to be His witness. Making Jesus known then is a call to live our faith daily and be ready to share God’s life with those around us wherever we are.

Adrian Rogers once said, “It’ll be a great day when we learn that Jesus doesn’t want us to do anything for Him; He wants to do something through us.”

There is a spiritual need everywhere, and each of us has a role in meeting that need. Therefore, let us live out our faith, show others hope and love, and share the gospel with those around us. 

Always remember that God can use you and what you have right now, regardless of your age, level of education, or social standing.

A study in the book of Acts is a rewarding one in many ways. In it, we see how God powerfully uses His Word to change lives. We see how “unlearned”, yet faithful believers are used by the 
Lord. And in Acts 5, Peter and the Apostles had been arrested again for preaching the Gospel when they had ordered to stop. An angel released them from prison, and they went right back out and started preaching again- and they were arrested again!

This passage underscores their unwavering commitment to spreading the message of Jesus. The disciples kept moving forward with the Message, despite any troubles! 


February 02, 2025
Kick- Off
Birthday Sunday


Acts 5:42 And every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to teach and preach this message: “Jesus is the Messiah.”

People have been trying for years to figure out what is essential. In this world full of choices, we 
can live for many different things. People are busy because they think that being busy will make 
them useful. Figuring out what is most important in life is very important because it helps us stay 
focused on our goals and get rid of things that aren't necessary. We would know exactly where 
we need to go.
Matthew Henry once said, “A life spent in the service of God and communion with Him is 
the most pleasant life that anyone can live in this world.”
Our main verse is one of many in the Book of Acts that teaches us the importance of engaging in 
conversations about faith and sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others. Living for what 
truly matters is about understanding that our greatest pursuit in life is knowing Jesus and making 
Him known—making it a goal to get the Gospel message out to everyone you can.
One day, we will stand before God and give an account of what we have done with our lives. 
Make each day count! Live for the glory of God. Live to make Jesus known!

February 09, 2025
Week One
Communion Sunday


Acts 5:42a 42 
And every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to 
teach and preach this message: 
“Jesus is the Messiah.”

Every day presents opportunities as well as challenges. We all know one's thoughtfulness and earnest effort to maximize every chance before he defines himself from others. Deeper still, these chances entail meeting new people and building friendships and connections in addition to success and innovations. Thus, there is always a chance to introduce Jesus daily to people.

The early Church and the earliest Christians prioritized preaching and teaching about Jesus Christ 
daily. Our main verse tells us about their commitment and perseverance in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ daily—even amidst opposition and life-threatening situations!

We find our faith comes to life in the daily grind of existence. Every day, we also come across folks looking for truth in life, purpose, and hope. 

Every day offers an opportunity to introduce Jesus. 
Understand that Jesus wants you involved in sharing with others what they need to know about Him and what He provides to those who will come to Him with an open heart. 

This is all about ordinary life—doing what seems mundane—with Gospel intentionality—with eyes open for opportunities to share Jesus through meaningful conversation.

February 16, 2025
Week Two
Lifegroup and Divinity Sunday


Acts 5:42b 42 And every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to teach and preach this message: “Jesus is the Messiah.”

In the Book of Acts, during persecution, the primary method of teaching and preaching Jesus was through home Bible studies where needs were met and a means to introduce new people to the Christian faith—engagement was more intimate and personal. At the same time, proclaiming Jesus in the temple meant access to a broader audience.

This shows us how dedicated the early Church and the earliest Christians were to reaching people from all social classes and fulfilling the Great Commission. The proclamation was not limited to a 
specific location but extended to wherever they went.
This principle and practice remain the same: we must make Jesus known wherever we are. 

Wherever we are, we are to be light for Jesus. Whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you are, should be seen and done in the light of Making Jesus known. 

Every location can be where God opens opportunities to share His love with others.

Therefore, making Jesus known wherever you are means actively seeking opportunities to share 
your faith and live out your Christian values in every aspect of your daily life, regardless of where you are!

February 23, 2025
Week Three
Facility Sunday
32nd Foundation Celebration 


Acts 5:42c 42 
And every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to 
teach and preach this message: “Jesus is the Messiah.”

Acts 5:42 
shows the Apostles' perseverance in the face of persecution and opposition and is a testament to their unwavering faith and commitment. Among the Jews, the early Christian message centered on Jesus the Messiah, and they used a dual method: teaching and preaching.

Teaching involves instructing believers in the faith, while preaching refers to the public declaration of the Gospel message. These bold and fearless disciples were once afraid and locked 
themselves in the upper room. But as they encountered the Risen Savior and were filled by the power of the Holy Spirit, they turned the world outside. 

Their lives were changed as they 
continually and consistently proclaimed that Jesus was the Messiah.

Years have passed, and the Lord's approach to delivering His message is still the same: He employs individuals. Realize that the Gospel is a message and that our way of life must be accompanied by words. Since we have come to know Christ, our words can likewise be full of His truth, the truth of Scripture, much as the first disciples did.

Therefore, to make Jesus known with our speech, we must deliberately and politely allow our words to reflect our Christian viewpoint by actively including the message of the Christian Gospel in our daily dialogues, using hopeful and uplifting language that points toward Jesus.


1. Life Application Study Bible
2. CSB Disciples Study Bible
3. NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible
4. NASB John MacArthur Study Bible
8. Preachers’ Commentary

Making Jesus Known, His Life Ministries February 2025 series

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