Thursday, January 30, 2025

Thoughts To Consolidate -- CO-OPs

from a 
DISCUSSION with a World Changer!


Let's BUILD the Social & Solidarity Economy through COOPERATIVE Development (Acts 4:32-35; 20:33-35).
In Jesus's name. 

Each CO-OP member co-owns a social enterprise, so we abolish poverty, like in Scandinavian countries, Japan & Singapore. 

JUST join a functioning local cooperative, and try to become a top expert of cooperative development in your country.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted SSE last April 18th, 2023, to be the Ecosystem to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. 

So, let's persuade every adult (esp those below or just above the poverty line) to JOIN a COOPERATIVE, or START One with their best-friends. 

Let Jesus-followers be known as caring, sharing & generous people locally & globally. 

There are now 1 billion CO-OP Members  in the world today, that's 12.5% of the world's population. 
If we double every 2 years, we'll be 25% by 2026, 50% by 2028 and 100% by 2030!🀩


The gospel of God’s KINGDOM on earth is 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 = EVERYDAY JUBILEE / CHRISTMAS / EASTER! 😍 

May there come a time when all Jesus-following denominations will teach their local congregations to TURN their homes & cathedrals into community ministry centers and do Matt. 25:31-40 services, implementing the laws of Jubilee (Lev. 25; Isa. 65:21-23), to fulfill JESUS' MISSION (Luke 4:18-21), so that all families / households will be blessed, as God covenanted with Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3)! 

Those blessed with intelligence, health, talents & wealth should share their lives and possessions with those with less -- because everything we all have are God's gracious gifts meant for the Common Good and not for private use only (Acts 4:32-35). 
Freely we receive, Freely we share. 
We are created in the image of the Triune God who is eternally sharing generously as Equals! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ 

The BEST Structure of Jubilee (modeled in many Indigenous cultures) is COOPERATIVES where out of love for neighbors, people contribute towards a COMMON FUND which they democratically save, plan and work together to entrepreneurially do business together for the COMMON GOOD (sustainability and flourishing). 

Join our "CO-OPS as Mission" movement, like Jesus (Judas was their treasurer) and Paul (Acts 20:33-35). 

Following the zero-budget structure of Exodus 18:21, I think each mini-co-op can be 5-10 families, which are linked with 4 other mini-coops (coordinated by leaders of fifties).

Historically the Anabaptists (Mennonites, Quakers, Moravians, Amish, Hutterites, Brethren, etc) who escaped the persecution of Catholics and Protestants in Europe mostly to North America planted Organic Farms wherever they went as migrant families, since 1530s and they were 
"co-operativized" and flourished. 
Theirs has been MISSIONS through intentional migration (of a small group of families). It's happening nowadays among house churches in China, India & Philippines too, and a few have started to "cooperativize" too. 

Actually in Europe, esp Nordic countries like Norway & Sweden, have already attained the ideal as Social Solidarity Economies, with great thanks to their Christian heritage. 
The Body of Christ there just needs to persuade the non-Jesus followers that all their blessings are rooted in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth who is God Incarnate. 

May all nations achieve this ideal (not perfectly, but substantially) soonest!


JUST ask anyone to join a COOPERATIVE, and do evangelism and disciple-making in it --- as a good member (& preferably as an officer to climb the ladder of leadership of "cooperativism" in our country. πŸ˜‡



May God give you the wisdom to train your disciple-makers to set up a fellowship of 2-10 houses in every neighborhood / purok / barangay .... nationwide, starting in their locality!

If EACH Fellowship can start or join a cooperative, they can transform their community & beyond. 

Just use Luke 10:1-17 as your guide. Simplify to multiply.... strategically. 

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